Thursday, 23 July 2020


 I remember correcting a grade 7 science test many years ago. The unit we had completed was on the human body. One young man who was evidently a bit confused about what we had seen wrote the following definition for hairline fracture: “It is a tiny crack in a bone through which a single hair grows.” I believe I gave him half marks for creative improvisation and for making me laugh out loud.

Yesterday, my massage therapist explained to me why I was feeling some discomfort in my legs when taking walks. One of the words she used stuck in my mind and I thought I would also take a go at some creative improvisation.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020


 On the Rideau River this morning - A staring contest between three Canada geese and a heron... The heron won...

Sur la rivière Rideau ce matin - Trois bernaches essayaient d'intimider un héron. Le héron a gagné...

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Stages of Grief - Stages d'un deuil

 Photo illustrant un bon article sur les cinq stages du deuil. Photo from an article on the five stages of grief: