There was a door that connected the parish
office to our living quarters. This door was never locked, and Marie-Claude
would often go visit Sister Lise who was the administrator of the Parish and
have a chat with her.
Early one morning, Sister Lise came to us
and said,
“Do you know what Marie-Claude just said to
me? She told me that God loves us forever.”
Sister then asked MC how she knew that, and
she answered:
‘Mom and dad love each other, and that’s
I wasn’t there to witness this conversation,
but I have always pictured my daughter saying that with great conviction. She started
having strong convictions at a very young age!
We were at the dinner table at MC ‘s house a few
weeks ago and, as usual, chatting about various things after supper. I don’t
know how the conversation turned to marriage, but as it did, Marie-Claude turned
to her daughter Katherine and said, with the same conviction she had said it
when she was a toddler, “When I married your dad, it was forever. Marriage is
It is good to know that not only diseases are transmissable. Love is passed on to the next generation as well.