Saturday, 3 July 2021

Loud and Angry Voices

I know I am treading on dangerous ground by writing about this, but I feel the need to shed light on the subject, if not for others, at least for myself.

I was watching a news report this week about the release of Bill Cosby from prison. I recall my reaction when he was accused and condemned of rape a few years ago. I was convinced then that the charges were founded. As I was listening to this week’s news report, it dawned on me that my initial reaction could have been completely skewed by media coverage at the time that unanimously implied that he was in fact guilty. I could not help but wonder where else my perception of the truth may be skewed because I do not have a broad enough picture of situations or because I simply go along with what “they” are saying – the media, public opinion, the loud and angry voices around me.   

There are many loud and angry voices today taking advantage of the public’s hunger for strong emotions. The media are only too eager to amplify these voices and to mute the more tempered and nuanced ones. I think I need to tune in to the Holy Spirit a bit more frequently to discern the truth underlying all those voices that are competing for my attention.  


Some people were offended by what I wrote above. I apologise for that. My intention was not, as one comment suggested, to defend Bill Cosby nor to excuse a rapist. I reread myself in the eyes of the persons who commented on my post and, I must admit, it could certainly be interpreted that way. I am guilty of hastily posting something that was poorly written, but not of believing that atrocious acts are in any way justifiable.

My focus was never on Mr Cosby. What struck me last week while listening to reports of his release was that I had passed judgement on him along with a plethora of news commentators well before his trial was over. My reaction to the news report last week had nothing to do with Cosby’s sin, it had to do with mine. Who am I to judge anyone, let alone when that judgement is based on second-hand information? I was seized with the thought that I so readily go along with prevailing opinions, outlooks, perceptions and with the realization that these lead me to pass judgement on others. I will let God pass judgement on Mr Cosby and will ask him to have mercy on me. Anything else does not belong to me.

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