When your Yoda Halloween costume does not turn out as planned, grandpapa tall tale telling skills come in handy. I explained to my grandchildren that Yoda had a cold and when he had a cold, he did not cough or sneeze or have a runny nose, but his ears drooped and he looked very very silly.
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Dancing with the Father
Friday, 30 October 2020
The Gift of Faith
My adult faith was gifted to me by one of my grade 9 students. I had left my childhood faith behind when I left home at 17. It was not until I was 28 that I could say once again, “I believe.”
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Names of God
Monday, 26 October 2020
A year after we were married, Diane was cleaning out her old wallet, emptying expired bus tickets, tattered business cards and receipts that had been buried in its recesses for years. As she was doing that, she found a photograph she had cut out of her brother’s all boys high school yearbook more than 7 years before. The face on the photograph was that of a handsome and athletic-looking young man she had once had a crush on. On the flip side of that photo was that of a scrawny-looking lad with rather protruding ears. Diane remembered that when, as a teen, she used to pull out the photo to show it to her girlfriends, she would sometimes accidentally display the wrong side and quickly turn it around exclaiming, “Oh, not him!”
That morning, seven years later, she realized she had married the “scrawny-looking lad” on the flip side of the photograph. Serendipity? Or could it have been Providence…?
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Contagious ! Contagieux !
Smiling as I remember the giggling and bursts of laughter from my grandchildren at dinner table last night, I feel very grateful that there are many good things that are far more contagious than COVID-19.
Friday, 23 October 2020
Louis had Alzheimer’s. I visited him for years every Friday afternoon to spend some time with him. We would often walk to the library to read the newspapers. On the way there, we would invariably stop at a church that was open all day and where the Blessed Sacrament was exposed. We would spend a few minutes in silent prayer before heading for the library. On leaving the church one day, Louis turned to me and said, “Do you know what I prayed for today? I said to God, ‘Do you see that man sitting next to me? Please give him double what he is asking for.’ ” What Louis didn’t know was that the only prayer I made in that church that day was, “Lord, please bless Louis.” When love is freely and generously given to someone near you, it has a tendency to boomerang right back at you and embrace you double fold, ten fold or even a hundred fold.
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Playing Cards
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Holy Ground
One of the comments that a previous post focusing on my bald head elicited was that it was a good “parable”. At first, that surprised me. The post was meant simply as an anecdotal retelling of an event in the past. Upon reflection, I realized that such retellings can indeed be “parables”.
Monday, 12 October 2020
In the middle of thanksgiving dinner last night, my six-year-old grandson Victor says, “Because this is such a thankful day, I feel like getting up and giving everyone a hug. He then proceeded to do that. My heart is also full of thanks for all the people I have known and loved, tens of thousands of them – my family, students, colleagues, friends, parishioners… I wish to follow my grandson’s lead: consider yourselves hugged!
Friday, 9 October 2020
Bald Eagle
Friday, 2 October 2020
I was supervising my grandson Victor yesterday while he was participating in a virtual science class. The topic was the life cycle of frogs. I went over with him the vocabulary related to the development of frogs from egg to adult frog. When I got to the last stage - "adult frog" - he said, "Frogs can't be adults. They are much too small!"
I had a crazy dream last night. Not a nightmare this time, but a strange one that made me wonder, “Why would my subconscious need to manuf...
Il m’arrive d’être en train de lire quelque chose, de m’arrêter et de me demander, « Qu’est-ce que je viens de lire? » Pour quelques seconde...
Il était une fois une princesse qui vivait avec son père le roi et sa mère la reine dans un merveilleux château. Elle avait tout ce qu’une p...
Here is something I wrote a quarter of a century ago (says the old man!): When we have known a person for a long time, we become able to j...
La parole de Dieu est une semence qui porte le fruit que Dieu veut qu’elle porte : « La pluie et la neige qui descendent des cieux n’y ret...
This is about a little incidence that I have already referred to in a previous posting in French . I thought my English-speaking friends wou...