Saturday, 22 May 2021

Caution: Razor-sharp Instrument!

A few months ago, we bought a new set of knives to replace the old dilapidated one that we had for over 20 years. Within seconds of using the chef’s knife, I had managed to inflict a wound on my index finger. The bulk of the damage was mainly to my pride as I chastised myself for being so careless. Razor-sharp blades are indeed unforgiving to the unwary. I have used knives most of my life and was even an assistant chef for a year at the Ottawa General Hospital when they still had a kitchen staff to prepare all the meals for their patients. I should have known better. I am a decent cook, even though Diane is the real chef in the family. I produce the humdrum everyday meals, but when she prepares a dish it always considerably surpasses my cuisine.

I enjoy crafting words and writing down my impressions, insights, and feelings. A good story is like a good dish. When you manage to have the right balance and quantity of fresh ingredients and blend them together skillfully, the result is appealing and more than a bit palatable.  However, words are like knives. They can also be razor-sharp and, if used carelessly, can inflict quite a bit of damage. That is why I do not like emails. Emails invite carelessness. They are conceived for quick exchanges with others and leave little time to weigh the impact they may have on them. Email messages are, therefore, often like undercooked and vile-tasting concoctions. They can even inadvertently be very offensive. I recently sent an email to a large group of people and forgot to put the recipients in bcc. I got an irate response from one of them. I have since added a sticky note on my computer screen as a reminder: “Caution – razor-sharp instrument!”   

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