Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Accident Waiting to Happen!

I’m thinking of my grandson Victor. I can see him barreling at full speed in his back yard or in his house, for the sheer pleasure of doing so and not always looking where he is going. There should be a sign on his back that reads, “Accident waiting to happen!” In fact, often when we are not in confinement and can visit, he will show us his assortment of bruises, scratches, and other miscellaneous self-inflicted injuries: a 7-year-old’s collection of trophies proudly displayed! Fortunately, his dad and mom are there to limit the damages, reminding him often to slow down and be careful of the precipices he is gleefully running towards.

Imagine seven Victors let loose in the world without the guardrails he has, seven Côté boys barreling through their neighbourhood and in their playground, the Gatineau Park. We collected trophies galore! Fortunately, there was a hospital not too far from our childhood house. My parents were often there with one of us. We would take turns being the recipients of necessary repairs. I never checked, but there should be a wing in that hospital with the Côté name on it. We probably helped pay for most of that wing!

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